The RX3 Wetsuit for SAR operations is engineered for performance and specially designed for water rescue applications, that delivers a great combination of stretch and durability that is built to last.
Available in: XS, S, M, L, X & XXL
Muta umida monopezzo - doppio pezzo bifoderato (con cappuccio separato) di spessore 3/5 mm su tutto il corpo dotata di apertura anteriore o posteriore munita di doppio cursore. Le cuciture consentono la più ampia libertà di movimento non arrecando fastidio all’articolazione della spalla durante il nuoto a stile libero, vestizione facile e veloce.
- Protezioni in materiale anti-taglio sugli stinchi e ginocchia, sulla seduta (glutei) e in prossimità dei gomiti in modo da garantire una resistente protezione anche su superfici abrasive o taglienti come la pedana di un elicottero o la superficie di una scogliera.
- Loghi e scritte su richiesta. .
- Colore nero
- Taglie: S / M / L / XL
- Compatibile con imbragature Triton e Trisar
One-pieceshortywetsuit with zip on the back, made of double-lined 2.5 mm super elastic neoprene. Designed for SaRoperatorsengaged in river and marine rescue activities, itisavailable in redcolour. - Separate hooduponrequest.- Logos and writingsuponrequest.
One-piecewetsuit with zip on the back and separate hood, made of superelastic neoprene, designed for water rescue itis made inacharacteristic red color, with reflectivesurfaces on the shoulders, chest, forearms and calves, equipped with a pocket on the leg. The wetsuitis made of 5mm super stretch neoprene, with the exception of the armpit and shoulderareas, where the neoprene is 3mm to facilitate swimming and movement in rescue situations.
The heat-sealedseams make the suitmuchwarmer.
Equipped with kneeprotectors and Powertexreinforcements on the neck and forearms.
- Logos and writingsuponrequest.
- Pocket to carryobjects.
- Removableshoulder pocket with clear window for chemical light or strobe placement.
Discontinued product. Availableagain from 2022
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